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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 19, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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better that than something more horrendous, has nothing to do with the fed, has everything to do with life, tonight, 8:00 p.m. be there. i am dana perino, with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, eric bolling, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." the tea party movement roaring back to life with the largest gathering in washington, d.c. since 2010. thousands of supporters gathered outside the capitol to stand up from targeting from the irs and push back on big government. several republican lawmakers were there, including ted cruz, rand paul, steve king. >> what's happening with the irs is an absolute outrage. >> we're stick and tired of government bullies, we need to send them home. >> if broad federal government
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can track every phone call, track every internet activity, track your credit card, track your cell phone and if the irs then can have a software package to focus their enforcement on the enemies of the president of the united states, this big brother has gotten creepier than george orwell thought it would ever get. >> we will kick this around. eric, wanted to ask you how after maybe a little time of being apart the mainstream republicans are establishment, and the tea party have a reason to come together with fresh ideas or fresh ammunition because of the irs scandal, then the possibility of the irs, now in law, irs taking over and implementing obama care. >> that face! you are so busted. >> i didn't know anybody was paying attention. >> i am looking at him. >> he was making a face at kimberly. >> i made one back.
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it was good. >> welcome to the most mature hour on television on cable news. what i was saying is that republicans under the big tent have a renewed vigor to, you know, i am looking at greg, wondering if he is making other comments. >> don't worry about him. >> what do you think about it? >> someone stopped me in the street, all the scandals, are they going to have effect on obama? no, they're not going to have effect on obama but they will have effect on the 2014 mid term elections, benghazi, irs, nsa, independently wouldn't have had much effect, aggregately, you know people are going to remind, all the political commercials in 2014, do you want more of this, more of the democrats, transparency obama promised didn't happen. it will guarantee the gop the house again and it will get seats for the gop in the senate. and really, that's kind of more important than winning the white house. >> oh, look at our resident
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skeptic there. >> being the resident skeptic, bringing the gop together looking at those speakers, you have the fringe of the fringe. >> that's who got the people to come out though. >> sure, they come out for those people because they're far to the right. that picture, i have seen a lot of demonstrations in washington, when you want it to look bigger, you use a smaller lens. the tea party is not a potent force this time around, i don't think. they had obama care last time. i don't think frankly they're that big a deal. the republican mainstream is running away from them. >> even with the new round of scandals? >> bob is so wrong. remember when president obama said we are the ones we were waiting for? this is actually it. he inadvertently created a new modern movement, it is what eric said. you start with class warfare.
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obama care, class warfare, benghazi, doj, irs, nsa, targeting innocents since 2008. the tea party is the tip of this arrow, and america has to get behind it with that arrow, stab the beast of big government, and watch it ride and die. the irs is the beating heart of that beast and you have to do it. you look at those people, bob, you think they're funny looking and what not, the most explosive thing there is potato salad, the only bomb is lip balm. what did michael moore suggest, it was people like that. these are good people, the calmest, sweetest revolution probably ever, and they deserve the respect for being right for the past five years. >> you know with a metaphor of stabbing the beast, no wonder republicans are considered the monsters. after we listen to somebody that you and i have a crush on,
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somebody very wise. >> can't talk about me. >> that we actually have a crush on. >> we see what's happening with the irs, with the doj, all these huge institutions, which are obviously failing the american people, being abusive, in some cases corrupt. this is time for ideological thought, make the case, if conservatives do, they will win. >> kimberly, wanted to ask you, are republicans too mired in self analysis, putting themselves on the couch, wondering what's going to happen to them, what do they mean? they should get together and do it. >> you have to make the jump from ideology to action. that's why the tea party resonated with so many people. more than anything, bob, sorry to say, they're back, and you know why they are significant? your side is afraid of them, why would they be targeting them with the irs, auditing them,
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making sure they don't get their tax exempt status, they are fearful, they had impact on mid term elections and they will again because people are tired of the government abuse. all the problems of the scandals we have seen with this administration, the tea party is addressing a lot of that in their platform. it is a concern for your side. >> just for the record, i have nothing against these people. they have every right to protest. i am not making fun of what they look like. look at me. but the point is are they going to have impact in terms of the voting booth. i think some of the scandals collectively will bring more people to mid term elections than normally are there. that has nothing to do with tea party, people like the tea party, don't like big government. >> that's the vehicle. jump on the bus. >> whatever you call it. there will be increase in voter turnout and it won't be in the democrats' favor. you can't consider it a resur jent tea party movement, resur
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jent small government movement. >> we all agree that presidents during elections, presidential elections, the right will move to the right during the primaries, move to center for the general. mid term elections are like the primary's primary. all these scandals with what you mentioned, they turn out more during the mid term elections, this is good for the gop. scandals happening now couldn't have happened at a better time. >> remember, there will be 20 million fewer voters at the polls in mid term election that will be presidential election. if you have a million people or two million that haven't been there before in selective states and districts, it will make a difference. i said from the beginning, thought the senate would be for the scandals. >> the problem for the democrats, this is fortuitous timing. the tea party has a good message, platform that resonates, there are specific facts and circumstances now that align with what they're trying to say, government abuse, government is too big, go for
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smaller government, less taxation, more privatization. less expanding of the government. forget about obama care. >> you have been in this position, this has been your message for 10, 20 years. i don't see, unless you can get into a coherent message, think you're doing it around negatives, things like scandals and the rest, does that emphasize small government? certainly it does. i just don't see anybody carrying that thing forward. >> navel picking. >> is that why you were laughing at me? >> you have a navel the size of a hub cap. >> oh! >> it is a positive message we're talking about here. i think limited government is a positive message, but what bob is saying is you're up against something that's about free
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stuff, occupy wall street philosophy was make everything free, which is something that's hard to argue against, unless you have intelligence, which is what the republican party must find. look, look at how the media will frame this, the tea party is the most dangerous group. just below the taliban, maroon 5. why? because they remind you of their parents, parents tick you off. the media will ignore them. if there's one poorly spelled line, the daily show will spend 20 minutes mocking that sign to make themselves feel smarter while ignoring the fundamental issue and fundamental message, which is you're screwed. big government is screwing you and it is time to screw big government. >> can i give a specific to that? based on kimberly's reaction. you're going to be mad. irs is about to pay $70 million in employee bonuses, despite
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sequestration, saying cut nondiscretionary spending. what they're saying, i have a quote from the irs, the reason they have to do this is because the irs is under a legal obligation to comply with its collective bargaining agreement, union, which specifies the terms by which awards are paid to bargaining unit employees. >> here is the problem with collective bargaining and unions, they're inherently flawed when you have a situation with sequestration, supposed to be tightening the belt, and rewarding bad behavior going on at the irs, we're going to pay you all out bonuses. it is the most flawed business model ever. it operates as disincentive. why do i care if i do my job well, i get a better job if i am in public scandal, get a bonus, paid up because i am part of union, regardless if i target hard working americans and deny them tax exempt status. >> a lot of hard working
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government employees. you're trying to punish the irs for a couple of bad apples. collective bargaining is an agreement. it was signed, part of the way -- and it is legal. why is it such a big deal? >> don't you think it is persuasive, bob, maybe the union from a pr standpoint should have said in time of sequestration, when the entire agency is under investigation, could we delay these three months, but they don't do that. they don't care. >> one more observation. the nte, national treasury employees union which is a union that's claiming they need to be paid because of collective bargaining agreement, bob points out, was also the group, i can't remember her last name, colleen something visited the white house march 31st, 2010, the next day, april 1st and 2nd were days they began to target conservatives. was there discussion at the white house. >> wasn't the easter egg roll. >> whomever, if that comes out.
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>> it is embarrassing. have a hard time convincing a rubik's cube. what are you talking about? they went to see the president of the united states. he said you start looking into tea party groups, is that what you're suggesting? >> yeah. >> that's absolutely crazy. crazier than you normally are. >> the message i get from the tea party thing is that every american needs to get involved in this. if you get a target on your back, the target oddly enough becomes a shield, we have learned that the irs is now getting in deep trouble for targeting people. if you decide you want to be a target, they can't touch you, you could bring the irs down. >> good advice. think about that. >> that's very good. >> thank you very much. i took my pills this morning. >> you are in a better mood. coming up, president obama made a big announcement about reducing the nuclear arsenal and looks like hollywood is on board. will that make america safer? we will debate that, it is on deck. do you know what that means? greg will tell us. ♪ when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain,
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♪ welcome to the barack block. i claim president obama has no clue what he is doing with foreign policy, beckel moans or some other noise comes out of his body at that point. however, the leader of the free world proves me right. as news is breaking the taliban killed four americans after they offered to negotiate with the terrorists, the president was suggesting we were tiresome of nuclear war heads because he
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says russia will do it, too. right. just in case you're a skeptic like me, the nuclear physicist in hollywood says it is okay, it must be safe. listen. >> today i state clearly and with conviction america's commitment to seek the peace and security. >> of a world without nuclear weapons. >> of a world without nuclear weapons. >> this matters to people everywhere. >> some argue the spread of these weapons cannot be stopped, cannot be checked. >> such fatalism is a deadly adversary. >> for if we believe that the spread of nuclear weapons is inevitable. >> then in some way we are admitting use of nuclear weapons is inevitable. >> bottom line, obama negotiates, americans die. any questions? >> look at bob, he can't take it. >> that's so -- >> you cannot find a group of dumber, more misguided individuals on the planet than in hollywood.
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i just want one celebrity. >> if i were to say that -- take it easy. >> i want one celebrity to come out for one thing that isn't designed to make the adversaries smile. if they had their way, the only allies we would have are alec baldwin movies. >> and jim carrey. >> yeah, he is over. anyway, obama said the world would not be safe with nukes. who cares about the world? what about the united states? could you just think about the united states just once first before the world? maybe if we stop calling them nukes and called them energy hugs, the left might embrace it. why does he hate stuff that works? she's a moron. she says you only have nukes to use them. doesn't he understand mutually short destruction, doesn't he know why we have been safe?
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>> personally assured destruction. >> they want a lefty utopia in a little bulb of the world where they're not effected by everything that happens. everything they think is right is inherently dangerous and awful, hate them all. sorry about that. >> greg makes a good point. global zeros is the name of the group, saying to reduce the nuclear war heads in the world, us being the strongest. >> that's not what he said. both sides have to lower the nuclear arsenal to 1500. we started in the 1950s and '60s with 10,000 each. didn't say he was going to unilaterally lower to a thousand, he said he would like to start negotiations the soviets to get them down to a thousand. when greg talks about these things to the world, once they're launched, the world will
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be destroyed. you can't launch them as an adversary, not expect retaliation. >> i thought they're not going to do it. you have to have them. it is like going into a gun fight with a water pistol. stupid. >> are you kidding? do you think somehow -- >> when is mutual destruction failed? i can't think of an instance. >> all of a sudden we start to trust the whole world. while we reduce our arsenal, iran increases theirs. dana, this or this one? >> either one. >> can we do the next. the taliban, obama administration decided to negotiate with the taliban. announced it within hours, the taliban killed four american serviceman overseas. is this a good idea to negotiate? when did we start negotiating with terrorists. >> when i first read this, i thought haven't i read this before, like groundhog's day, they seem to announce it every so many months. i do trust in general doug lute
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who will organize the talks. i also read -- well, i read, one of the things prime minister karzai is furious about, the taliban used this conference for a big show with ribbon cutting, they're going to set up a government in exile. america said it is leaving in 18 months. so does this feel futile, about as futile as saying we're going to reduce our side, our nuclear weapons when putin has open disdain for america and obama and what he has is actually a personal grudge against president obama. >> willing to believe the united states would reduce weapons to a thousand without the russians going along? >> the russians aren't going to do it. why waste your time? >> and by the way, it was the taliban in qatar opening offices that offered the talks first. why not talk to them. >> go ahead, kimberly.
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>> i am calling on myself now. if i had to use one word to describe this foreign policy of this administration, it would be assanine. we believe in sitting down and negotiating with terrorists, cliff notes 101, foreign policy for dummies, first sentence, chapter one, do not negotiate with terrorists, we're going to do that, we told them what we're going to do, what we're going to pull out, what's going to happen. why are we agreeing to sit down with them? >> why not. >> they keep murdering americans. >> what you're going to do, say we're not going to sit down with them, like we wouldn't sit down with germans, koreans after the wars? what are you talking about? >> have they declared peace somewhere? >> no, they have not. >> until they do, do you think we should be extending -- >> you know what's amazing, they would rather sit with the
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taliban than the tea party. >> they're very confused. >> reuters announces u.s. official talks with the taliban will start within a few days. >> congratulations to whoever worked that out. nypd cops say a new bill will blind and handcuff them. if passed, pc police cracking down on new york's finest next. ♪ [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of.
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♪ so let's say you're walking down a manhattan street and i mug you, take your ipod, hello kitty napsack.
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you say accurately the mugger is short, white, broad shoulder, devilishly handsome, could be a movie star, great dimples, immensely charming, a target of unrequited love by tv panelists, probably juggling ten women and owns a leopard. that would be no help for the cops, according to new york post and nypd, could get the cops sued. they may make it law, an officer can only use the color of a perp's clothing for a lead. so they can only say the leather speedo is pink and i have to change it and the police have nothing. the bill passes, cops are screwed. it is tsa model of solving crime. both wearing yellow, it is the
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same. if the police nab someone that fits the mo but isn't the perp, he can sue police, which will scare them from doing police work. they can only transmit descriptions that aren't descriptions at all. in a world where political correctness matters more than safety, the only way to be safe in this world is to become a mugger yourself, then your rights will be protected. you claim to be a lawyer, no proof of it whatsoever. >> you'll never find any. >> stops a guy, meets the description of a suspect being looked for earlier in the day, so because there's a time frame that has passed, that police officer could be subject to civil action by looking for somebody, that's called profiling. doesn't that kill normal police work? >> you may as well send all the police officers home, when they walk a beat, get in the car to
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protect, like times square, given a suspect description, they have to wonder about the pc semantics, otherwise they could be sued. who in their right mind would sign up to be a police officer, put themselves in harm's way legally and physically, it makes no sense to me, as a prosecutor, worship police officers, did ride ons, did the whole thing. it is nonsensical. i agree with bloomberg, saying you're opening them up to too much liability. why wouldn't you want to give a police description? you want the wrong person, is that better, preferable? >> i hope that's a hypothetical question. no, it is not. >> and are you referring to yourself or eric bolling? >> it was a blend, pegasus, unicorn. >> isn't that the basis of police work, profiling?
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this is crazy. a democrat gets another democrat to sign a bill, want to bypass the regular process, go to a vote, crazy. >> this cannot pass. must be some democrats with a brain on city council. >> can we move fox news to wyoming where things are civil, not crazy? >> i don't think so. but good suggestion. >> making a plug. >> hey, bob. >> yes. >> bloomberg who i happen to think is nuts is saying this handcuff the police. when bloomberg is against something, there's got to be something, against, you know what i mean. >> i want to say in your opening, the person you describe as you or eric does not exist. i would not send the police looking for that particular person, because they would be looking a long time. the idea that somehow -- >> you're wearing yellow. >> if you see somebody commit a
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crime, more characteristics you give will help them be apprehended, seems ludicrous you would cut back in any way what that is. you say that you can only say well, he had a gray hoodie on. and that's it, when you know in fact he was latino, he was a woman, he was a she, and wearing sneakers, dressed in a certain kind of shirt. what madness would take that away from you. >> war on women. this is a continuation of democrats' war on women. for example, if you have a rape the lookout, what are you going to say, he is wearing a gray t-shirt? you need more than that to go on to keep yourself protected. >> by the way, that was brilliant. should end the show there. >> why do you need description of a suspect? what if he is on the loose?
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>> what if he is not wearing clothes. >> describe him. >> naked dude. >> bob beckel, last saturday. >> crazy naked man. that's after 9:00 p.m. >> could be anyone in new york. >> exactly. all right. >> don't have any more time up to the muslim law thing? >> i guess we don't. sorry, kg. save it for tomorrow. >> i am not here. >> you're not here. wow. okay, most democrats never come to their senses, one democrat in louisiana has, the african-american state senator changed parties. hear his dramatic video message next. hey.
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they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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♪ the democratic party lost one of its members in louisiana, could lose more if others decide to go with him. state senator albert gill rejumped ship, he is governor and he has a powerful message to constituents. >> the democratic party created the illusion that their agenda and their policies are what's best for black people. programs like food stamps weren't intended to help them out of poverty, it was to help them control the black community. the individual must be free to pursue his or her own happiness, free from government dependence, free from government control. these are the ideas at the core of the republican party and it is why i am a republican. please join with me today in abandoning the government plantation and party of
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disappointment. >> abandon the government plantation and party of disappointment. interesting video and message. you like this guy? >> he is fantastic, d party, party of disappointment. think you'll see more of this guy. he is right. with all of the scandals, surprised more people aren't coming out saying they're done with that. i think there's a movement starting now, and like i said, it will metastasize. >> spreading quickly. >> spreading quickly. >> you are seeing more, there needs to be more, needs to be younger people acting like this. he took a real risk. there's nothing treated, no person treated with less respect by a white liberal than a black conservative because white liberals with the exception of bob are generally racist, they think all blacks must be alike, and that is the definition of racism, think all blacks should be liberal, right, bob? >> for good reason.
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>> at least you admit it. >> i am not saying all of them are racist. >> when kimberly opened with that, she said this guy is changing, and others may follow him. we have no evidence anybody else will follow him. >> i said others may, didn't say for sure. >> louisiana has a long history, wish i could remember the name of the guy whose brother was a well known civil rights worker, i think a congressman. he converted to republican party because he was paid to convert to republican party, i don't deny this guy honorably says what he believes. but the idea that this is a movement of some momentum is absurd. blacks know that there is a much better chance, particularly in state of louisiana to be treated better by democrats than republicans. >> why? >> for example, louisiana state legislature cut welfare budgets for women and children by about
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two-thirds. >> so what he is saying, those programs don't help blacks, it makes them more dependent on programs. you're almost like there. >> how else are children going to get -- >> he is comparing it to being on the plantation, not making themself sufficient, giving them a step up to better their lives. >> i understand that. i said if we built in dependency on blacks, we liberals, we shouldn't have done it. meantime, can't just take it away, say let the free market decide. you need to do transition. you can't take food from kids in the process of saying we want smaller government. >> one quick point. more whites on welfare than blacks on welfare. >> i think i told you that fact. >> you didn't need to tell me. >> what he is doing, he is looking to the long run, basing his what i would imagine, i haven't spoken to him, what he is doing is basing his thoughts today on his own experience and looking for the longer run,
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because the war on poverty, bob says it hasn't worked well enough. you have people like bobby jindal, he cares deeply for the people there, popularity is high. there are other programs they use to supplement this to get people to more independence. and education in particular, the soft bigotry of low expectations hurt these children for decades, and there needs to be course correction. somebody like this guy is trying to take a stand, i admire him. >> you should tweet that phrase out. >> took it from somebody else. >> was a guy i know -- megan evers, malcolm evers brother, paid money to go on the republican ticket and sift off
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votes from the democrats. >> you're bringing it up why? to denigrate this man's brave -- >> louisiana has a history of doing this. >> and you democrats never do a horrible thing. created the kkk. >> we did not create the kkk. >> republicans? >> i would say most of the people that created the kkk vote republican. >> i would say it was created by democrats. >> this is worse than beckel. there was a nice piece on hannity, but we don't have time to play it. you should watch hannity more often so you don't miss things like this. almost a decade since we heard from ron burgundy, i mean bob beckel. >> just doing my workout.
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>> you asked me to come by. >> i am going to grab this shirt. watch out for the guns, they'll get you. >> okay, the wait is over. he's coming back, we have anchorman 2. ♪
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♪ are we on yet? kimberly was trying to lower her skirt. ironman, superman returned to the big screen. in a few months, someone else is making a come back as well. remember this guy? >> how much time. >> you're on. >> i love scotch. i love scotch. scotchy scotch scotch. here it goes down. down into my belly. i'm ready. >> yes, america's favorite news man is back. the first official trailer from anchorman 2, the legend returns
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has been released. ladies and gentlemen, ron burgundy. >> we are starting a 24 hour news channel. we want you. >> i am going to do what ron burgundy was set on the earth to do. have salon quality hair and do the news. >> the news team is back! >> welcome to the '80s, baby. >> is that your foot between my legs? >> no. >> oh, it was my hand. >> onto therapy. >> my eyes are watering. >> this is my segment, of course. gave me something, i have never seen this movie, have no idea who ron burgundy is. i will give it to greg to help me out. >> here is the thing, one of the most destructive movies. saturday afternoon, 1:00, you have to run errands, do something important, you walk by and that is on, two hours later,
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you've done nothing. you get sucked in, like animal house. paul rudd is fantastic. i think of who is will ferrell at fox news. go for it. >> no. >> it was john. >> obviously it is stossel. who would have that mustache in 2013? >> why don't you write in, who at fox news reminds you of ron burgundy. >> who thinks he is kind of a big deal. >> did you see the movie when it first came out? >> i did, loved it. lived in san diego when it came out. used to quote the guy because a lot of reporters are kind of like peacocks in the press briefing room. we get to say they think they're kind of a big deal. >> it? >> that's a line from the movie. >> see it every time it is on, love it.
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can't wait for it to come out. >> did you like it? >> i love it except for your re-enactment of the pants are sinking. >> you know what aroma therapy can do for you? >> almost killed me, my eyes -- >> i knew it, you were trying to drug me. >> in my days, aroma therapy meant something so different. >> one more thing is up next!
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and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. the blisters were oozing, and painful to touch. i woke up to a blistering on my shoulder. i spent 23 years as a deputy united states marshal. we'd get up early and, and stay up late. there was a lot of running a lot of fighting. i've been pretty well banged up but the worst pain i' experienced was when i had shingles. i was going through some extremely difficult training, and i couldn't do it. when we were going through pursuit driving, i couldn't put a seat belt on because the pain that would have been caused by the seat belt
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rubbing against the shingles would have been excruciating. when i went to the clinic, the nurse told me that it was the result of having had chickenpox. i had never heard of shingles prior to that point and i had always been relatively healthy. the rash, the itching, the burning that i experienced on the side of my neck and my shoulder, i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
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time now for one more thing. greg you get to go first. >> real quick. very exciting news, i ran, officially celebrated national soccer team qualification for 2014 world cup with a men only party. these guys know how to have fun. throw a party, no girls, man.
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who wants to have girls? they got cooties. proof why i don't like soccer. and i have a guy named mike rowe, that's it. >> won't be as good as last night. >> special thank you to southhampton hospital, my munchkin was there. there he is. he was hospitalized this weekend and monday and he had a bad stomach infection, ear infection. i want to say nurses that helped him and doctors, they made him better like that. >> did you get any pain meds? >> children's pain meds? >> look at his size. might work. >> oh! >> his gown would have fit you. >> all right, eric? >> tough one to follow. kid rock today was going to be on megyn kelly's show, talking about a great concert, making it
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affordable to everybody. greg and i took a picture with him, then it got really cool. watch. >> you ever heard of tiny d? check this out? my name is tiny d and i am here to say i got funky fresh rhymes in a major way. white like casper, dog named jasper. don't think beyonce fears me -- >> what do you think? >> this is giving white people a bad name! >> megyn didn't get the context! made fun of rap. >> you tweeted. you want a second shot. >> i tweeted a rap. i messed up a word. >> get out of this one if i were you. >> there was context around it, bob. >> maybe you can do a rap duet. >> on a sober note, vince flynn, one of america's best selling author died at 47 yesterday of
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cancer. now, he was a guy who tried to get his books published, nobody would publish them, 60 letters of rejection, finally self published, went on to publish endless numbers of "the new york times" best seller lists. he is a good friend of our executive producer, i had a chance to have dinner with him a few months ago. he will be missed, his books will be missed. >> survived by his wife and three young children. he was just a wonderful human being. >> remarkably talented man. loved by everybody in the book industry. here is my one more thing quick. i am to complaining. kimberly is wearing a
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turtleneck. greg has worn a sweater the past six weeks when it is warm. he keeps it 62 degrees in here so we freeze. so we need peer pressure to help us get him out of the sweaters, warmer in here. we have to go. thank you, bye! president obama walks a tight rope between hope and change and the harsh realities a leader facing plenty of challenges. this is "special report." good evening, i am chris wallace in for bret baier. berlin was the site of one of his most triumphant moments. five years later it was a very different barack obama getting a different reception. he addressed a smaller crowd today at brand enberg gate. brian bowler is in berlin. >> reporter:


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